Course curriculum

  • 2

    What is "Cultural Competency?"

  • 3

    Culture and Community

  • 4

    Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias

    • How does systemic racism and implicit bias impact your learning environment?

    • Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias: What are your frames of reference?

    • Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias: Systemic Racism Explained

    • Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias: How is systemic racism showing up in our learning spaces?

    • A Day in a Life: How Racism Impacts Families of Color

    • Infographic: A Day in the Life

    • Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias: What is implicit bias and how does this impact your learning environment?

    • Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias: Identifying your own biases

    • Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias: Recognizing and interrupting systemic racism through anti-racist education

    • Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias: Interrupting Implicit Bias

    • Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias: Toolkit for Reducing Implicit Bias

    • Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias: The power of high expectations

    • Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias: What the research says about high expectations

    • Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias: Students share their feelings about teachers with high expectations

    • Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias: Strategies for setting high expectations

    • System Racism and High Expectations Quiz

    • Systemic Racism and High Expectations: Add to Your Meaning

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    Strengths-Based Teaching

    • How do you adjust your instruction to leverage your students' strengths?

    • Strengths-Based Teaching: What is Strengths-Based Teaching?

    • Strengths-Based Teaching: How do you know the strengths of your students?

    • Strengths-Based Teaching: Personalized Learning

    • Strengths-Based Learning: What does personalized learning look like in your classroom?

    • Strengths-Based Learning: Differentiating Instruction

    • Show What You Know_ Differentiated Product (1)

    • Strengths-Based Learning: Relationship and Community

    • Strength-Based Learning: What does relationship building look like in your classroom?

    • Strengths-Based Teaching Quiz

    • Strengths-Based Teaching: Add to Your Meaning

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    Windows and Mirrors

    • How is your curriculum like a window or mirror for your students?

    • Personal Reflections: A journal to reflect about windows & mirrors in my classroom

    • Windows and Mirrors: Supporting American Indian and Alaskan Native Students

    • Windows and Mirrors: Understanding gender identity and supporting LGBTQ+ students

    • Windows and Mirrors: Recognizing the power of language diversity

    • Windows and Mirrors: Supporting students with disabilities

    • Windows and Mirrors: Supporting religious diversity and literacy in the classroom

    • Windows and Mirrors: Add to Your Meaning

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    Final Thoughts

    • Final Reflection: Add to Your Meaning